Defect Diagnosis, Pathology and Reporting

The Survey can be tailored to your specific needs and both the interior and exterior of the property are inspected. The surveyor will identify any risks, defects, or significant damage present. In addition, the Surveyor will comment upon the damp proofing, drainage, and inspect the insulation.
Photographs are always included within the survey report and cover the main defects and areas of concern.

The Survey usually takes approximately 3 hours to complete, depending on the size and age and any additional agreed pre survey requests.

Certain areas or defects within the property may well require closer inspection, this is where pathology has to be considered in order to establish the root of an element failure. For example if we want to establish the core moisture level within say a brick we would drill a small hole into the centre of the brick and analyse a sample of the dust which comes out, through the use of a calcium carbide meter we can establish the moisture content within. There are also many other scientific instruments we use to analyse, measure and understand the fabric elements of a property.

Our main objective is to understand our clients request of what they require from a survey report and taylor make it to suit their needs which allows us to drill down into more detail and deliver a report for our clients which is easy to read, understand and above all covers all the agreed brief of survey requirements.